Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Weight Loss Dramatically Through Diet Mayo, Is it health?

Weight Loss Dramatically Through Diet Mayo, Is it health?

Diet with the lure of losing weight drastically with this short time one of them is diet mayo. Diet mayo, a diet in which the use of salt is not allowed.

In addition, this diet also requires two liters of water intake per day. However, the water consumed should not be cold water. The reason, cold water, or ice water can cause obesity because it inhibits the body's metabolism.

Weight Loss Dramatically Through Diet Mayo, Is it health?

Dinner in the mayo diet is limited only until 18.00. However, according to nutrition specialist dr. Diana F. Suganda, SpGK, this is not recommended because for overtime workers, or night shift would require eating to keep the energy well.
For those who do mayo diet is also prohibited from doing 'cheating', therefore this diet is claimed to lose weight very quickly. But is this drastic weight loss in a short time healthy?

According to Diana, healthy weight loss is the loss of fat mass as much as 0.5 kilograms per week. However, for a larger weight, this decrease can be larger as well.

"If in two weeks down 8-10 kg, it is not the mass of fat lost, but the water," said Diana, when met at an event in Jakarta some time ago.

Diana continued, it's the same as when we get diarrhea. When diarrhea, we can urinate up to 10 times a day, and this also causes weight to drop quickly.

But all that was lost was water. After the body is rehydrated, eat back to normal, body fit back, weight will rise again.
"It's because of the fact that the nature of salt or sodium, one molecule holding two water molecules, if not salt, then the liquid is not restrained eventually wasted," said Diana.
That is why, mayo diet makes us more urinate. This, because there is no salt in the body, so the liquid is wasted, the effect of weight will definitely decrease.

"In just 14 days of completing the mayo diet, no longer taking care, within 1-2 weeks the weight will come back again, even sometimes higher than before the program," he continued.

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